The Sterling Group consists of research-led UK universities which share a commitment
to international excellence in Engineering research and teaching. The current
membership is 23 institutions. The Group was founded over ten years ago
to demonstrate to countries in South East Asia, particularly Malaysia and Singapore,
that the highest standards of Engineering education and research were being
maintained in the member institutions. The Group is self-financing and is recognised
and supported by the Royal Academy of Engineering, the institution of civil
Engineers and the Institution of Mechanical Engineers as a valuable means of
maintaining the reputation of UK engineering education.
Until recently, the main target has been South East Asia with successful annual
tours to Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, Malacca and Penang. The tour party consists
of a principal speaker, who is a Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering,
supported by senior academics from the member institutions. The main Sterling
Lecture in each location is targeted at senior representatives of industry,
universities and government and is followed by a dinner or reception. In addition,
members of the supporting party give supporting lectures to students in the
schools and colleges. Meetings are held with government ministers and local
professional engineering institutions. For the last few years a very successful
competition has been run for Junior College students
in Singapore.
Recently, the Group has sought to expand its activities into India. A preliminary
visit to Chennai and Bangalore in 2002 was followed by an exploratory tour to
Delhi and Mumbai in 2003. The success of these two visits has led to the first
full tour to Mumbai and Bangalore taking place in September 2004. This tour
was extremely successful and further tours to India
and S.E. Asia took place in 2005. Tours to both S.E.
Asia and India are planned for 2006.
The Sterling Group is led by an Executive
The administrative office for the Sterling Group
is located at the Durham University.
The Sterling Group seeks to establish channels of communication between
its members and like-minded institutions overseas.
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